Course summary
Get the knowledge and skills to support doctors in all aspects of health care, in general practices or hospitals. We place the patient at the centre of care and help you develop your skills as a rounded clinician. Physician Associates (PAs) are health professionals who address patients’ health needs while working under the supervision of doctors. Qualified PAs have direct contact with patients by taking histories, performing examinations, making diagnoses and considering management plans as part of the wider clinical team. This course is designed to give you the skills, knowledge and experience to qualify as a PA through completion of the Physician Associate National Examination. It is aimed at graduates who are passionate about working in a frontline clinical environment as part of a multi-disciplinary team. Your training will give you a solid foundation in generalist medical care so that you can deliver ‘first contact’ health care in multiple health settings including general practice and secondary care trusts. The course has an integrated, systems-based approach that places the patient at the centre. The first stage is mainly based on the University of Sheffield campus. In the second stage, you will apply your knowledge and skills to placements in our partner hospitals and GP surgeries. The University of Sheffield works closely with local acute trusts (hospitals, mental health) and primary care providers (General Practice) so that our graduates are equipped to meet the needs of potential employers and the public as a whole. Our course team has a majority of practising Physician Associates as leads and tutors and has an excellent rate of students passing the Physician Associate National Examination. Physician Associate is a relatively new role in UK healthcare. PAs are supported by the Faculty of Physician Associates (part of the Royal College of Physicians) as it works toward the profession becoming registered with the General Medical Council. At present, a UK Physician Associate qualification does not automatically allow you to work as a PA in other countries.
How to apply
This course is not accepting applications at this time. Please contact the provider to find out more.
This course has restrictions on who can apply.
This is a postgraduate programme.
This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.
Application codes
- Course code:
- BB96
- Institution code:
- S18
- Campus name:
- Main Site
- Campus code:
- -
Points of entry
The following entry points are available for this course:
- Year 1
Entry requirements
Qualification requirements
UCAS Tariff - Not accepted
A level - Not accepted
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016) - Not accepted
Access to HE Diploma - Not accepted
Scottish Higher - Not accepted
You'll require at least a 2:1 undergraduate honours degree including a substantial element of human or animal biology. In addition you will require BBB at A-level (or equivalent appropriate qualification).
Please click the following link to find out more about qualification requirements for this course
Additional entry requirements
Criminal records declaration (DBS/Disclosure Scotland)
Health checks
English language requirements
You must demonstrate that your English is good enough for you to successfully complete your course. For this course we require: GCSE English Language at grade 4/C; IELTS grade of 7.5 with a minimum of 7.0 in each component; or an alternative acceptable English language qualification
English language requirements for undergraduates
Student Outcomes
There is no data available for this course. For further information visit the Discover Uni website.
Fees and funding
Tuition fees
England | £11340 | Year 1 |
Northern Ireland | £11340 | Year 1 |
Scotland | £11340 | Year 1 |
Wales | £11340 | Year 1 |
International | £31190 | Year 1 |
Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .
Additional fee information
Provider information
University of Sheffield
Western Bank
S10 2TN