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Textiles (with Integrated International Pre-Masters) at University for the Creative Arts - UCAS

Course summary

Our MA Textiles with Integrated International Pre-Masters is a year-long preparatory course of study to ready you for your Master’s in the UK, developing your English speaking and writing together with your specialist skills, research acumen and confidence in working autonomously. Our MA Textiles course, based at UCA Epsom, will develop your individual research into textile art, culture, craft and design, enabling you to combine your experience of textiles practice with a personal project. You will be encouraged to challenge yourself, to explore and transform your own work using new materials, processes, techniques and ideas to emerge with a renewed sense of personal vision. This fresh perspective and sense of self will aid you as you embark on your career as a freelance design professional, curator, gallery director or textile designer. You'll benefit from our links with established artists and designers drawn from a multi-national cohort. Our team comprises eminent professors, visiting scholars, academics and associate lecturers, experienced practitioners, designer-makers, artists and researchers who work in the industry, produce commissions, regularly exhibit and are published internationally. The course programme includes opportunities to work on live projects with established galleries. The content of lectures and seminars focuses on professional practice, and you can expect to hear from high profile guest speakers from art, craft, industry and design practices.

Entry requirements

A recognised bachelor degree or 3 year diploma with a strong portfolio in a relevant subject.

Fees and funding

Tuition fees

International £17500 Year 1

Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .

Additional fee information

Further details about Postgraduate fees can be located at:
Textiles (with Integrated International Pre-Masters) at University for the Creative Arts - UCAS