Course summary
Scientists and engineers are tackling ever more complex problems, most of which do not admit analytical solutions and must be solved numerically. Numerical methods can only play an even more important role in the future as we face even bigger challenges. Therefore, skilled scientific programmers are in high demand in industry and academia and will drive forward much of the future economy.
Entry requirements
Normally a first-class Bachelors degree in science, engineering or a related subject and with a strong interest in computing or an overseas qualification of the equivalent standard. Students with a first degree in Finance, Management, Actuarial Science or related subjects will not normally be accepted. English level: Level 1
Fees and funding
Tuition fees
No fee information has been provided for this course
Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .
Additional fee information
Provider information
UCL (University College London)
Gower Street