Course summary
Radiography is a critical tool at the technological forefront of the fast-changing healthcare environment. Its importance makes it a dynamic and developing profession that’s highly in demand, and this course will set you up for a successful career as a Diagnostic Radiographer. You’ll combine academic study with clinical practice in London’s renowned teaching hospitals to graduate with all the skills you need to produce the highest quality images while providing patients with excellent care. You’ll then be able to apply for registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a Diagnostic Radiographer, enabling you to take your first post in your exciting career. This course provides an all-encompassing experience that enables you to put theory into practice. We have an excellent working relationship with our numerous clinical training sites who offer an excellent overall student experience and contribute to the development of well rounded newly qualified Diagnostic Radiographers, ready to take on the exciting challenge of the first post after graduation.
Year 1 • Clinical applications of radiographic theory 1 • Concepts of inter-professional and collaborative practice • Principles of clinical reasoning • Applied systemic anatomy 1 • Fundamentals of radiation science Year 2 • Clinical applications of radiographic theory 2 • Appraising Evidence for Research Informed Practice • Applied systemic anatomy 2 • Radiographic imaging and disease processes • Principles of further imaging modalities Year 3 • Clinical applications of radiographic theory 3 • Improving quality, change management and leadership • Specialist imaging and interventions in radiography • Radiographic image interpretation • Contemporary debates within radiography practice
How to apply
This course is not accepting applications at this time. Please contact the provider to find out more.
This is the deadline for applications to be completed and sent for this course. If the university or college still has places available you can apply after this date, but your application is not guaranteed to be considered.
Application codes
- Course code:
- B821
- Institution code:
- L75
- Campus name:
- LSBU Main Site - Southwark Campus
- Campus code:
- -
Points of entry
The following entry points are available for this course:
- Year 1
International applicants
English Language Requirements for International and EU Applicants: IELTS 7.0 (the minimum score required in each skill area is 7.0)
Entry requirements
Qualification requirements
UCAS Tariff - 120 - 128 points
A level - BBB
Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016) - DDM
Access to HE Diploma - D: 24 credits M: 21 credits P: 0 credits
Applicants must hold 5 GCSEs A-C including Maths and English Language or equivalent (reformed GCSEs grade 4 or above) and 2 Sciences at grade B (reformed GCSE's grade 5)
Additional entry requirements
Criminal records declaration (DBS/Disclosure Scotland)
Health checks
Student Outcomes
The number of student respondents and response rates can be important in interpreting the data – it is important to note your experience may be different from theirs. This data will be based on the subject area rather than the specific course. Read more about this data on the Discover Uni website.
Fees and funding
Tuition fees
England | £9535 | Year 1 |
Northern Ireland | £9535 | Year 1 |
Scotland | £9535 | Year 1 |
Wales | £9535 | Year 1 |
Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .
Additional fee information
Provider information
London South Bank University
103 Borough Road