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Law and Politics at Queen Mary University of London - UCAS

Course summary

Law and politics are deeply intertwined. Both subjects have a huge impact on all our lives regardless of age, ethnicity and social background. And the world needs new ways of analysing the most important global questions from both arenas. Cover the compulsory modules needed to meet Bar Council and Law Society requirements to enter the profession. You'll learn to think like a lawyer, undertake legal research and apply your knowledge of legal and political science to solving broad social problems. You can even immerse yourself in the world of politics by studying abroad, completing work placements and taking part in simulation activities. Set yourself up for success Taught by expert academics, you’ll cover everything from Acts of Parliament and EU legislation, to mastering the skills you need to understand legal documents. Study topics like postcolonial and sociological theoretical approaches to war, development and foreign policy. Then you’ll pick from a range of specialist fields – such as criminology, intellectual property or medical negligence. Home to the QM Legal Advice Centre. Host of the “ReImagineLaw” podcast. Hub for experienced practitioners, researchers and honorary King's Counsel members. And connected with legal experts from major city firms such as Reed Smith and CHANEL’s legal team. You’ll be surrounded by excellent resources and networks to boost your learning. Ready to take your first step to becoming a barrister, solicitor or government official?


Compulsory Modules YEAR 1 Public Law Contract Law I: Formation and Vitiation Contract Law II: Terms, Breach and Remedies Law in an Context – Semester A Thinking Politically: Introduction to Concepts, Theories and Ideologies Semester B: Background to British Politics OR Global Histories Please note that all modules are subject to change.

Assessment method

First year students studying the LLB in Law and Politics receive approximately 12 hours of contact time per week. For each Law module there is usually a two-hour lecture supplemented by a one-hour weekly or fortnightly small group tutorial. Modules taken in the School of Politics and International Relations typically have a one hour lecture and one hour seminar per week. Assessment typically includes written exams, oral presentations, midterm essays and coursework. In the final year of all our law programmes, students have the option to research and write a dissertation on a legal topic in place of a taught module.

How to apply

Application codes

Course code:
Institution code:
Campus name:
Main Site
Campus code:

Points of entry

The following entry points are available for this course:

  • Year 1

Entry requirements

Qualification requirements

English language requirements

All applicants to Queen Mary must show they meet a minimum academic English language standard for admission and to be successful on the course. Please refer to the website below for details on our English Language requirements by course and acceptable alternative qualifications. You will also find important information regarding UKVI's English requirements if you are applying as an international student and will require a Student Visa to enter the UK.

Queen Mary University of London: English Language Requirements

Student Outcomes

Operated by the Office for Students
Employment after 15 months (Most common jobs)
Go onto work and study

The number of student respondents and response rates can be important in interpreting the data – it is important to note your experience may be different from theirs. This data will be based on the subject area rather than the specific course. Read more about this data on the Discover Uni website.

Fees and funding

Tuition fees

England £9250* Year 1
Northern Ireland £9250* Year 1
Scotland £9250* Year 1
Wales £9250* Year 1

*This is a provisional fee and subject to change.

Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .

Additional fee information

For information on the overseas fee for this programme, please see our website Please be aware the fee for this course may rise to £9535 in line with the recent Government announcement. We will update further in January, when the Government’s proposals have been through parliament.
Law and Politics at Queen Mary University of London - UCAS