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Catholic School Leadership: Principles & Practice at St Mary's University, Twickenham - UCAS

St Mary's University, Twickenham

Degree level: Postgraduate
Awarded by: St Mary’s University, Twickenham

Catholic School Leadership: Principles & Practice (Taught)

There are other course options available which may have a different vacancy status or entry requirements – view the full list of options

Course summary

This programme is unique in that it is the only Catholic School Leadership Masters’ programme offered currently in the UK, supporting specifically the distinctive leadership development for people at all levels of Catholic education, integrating a Catholic philosophy of education with the principles and practice of effective school leadership. Why study Catholic School Leadership: Principles & Practice? This highly regarded postgraduate degree will be of interest to all who hold or are aiming for leadership positions in Catholic schools and colleges. About one-third of the 150-plus students are senior leaders - head teachers and college principals; deputies and assistant heads. The other two-thirds are subject or pastoral leaders, primary curriculum coordinators, classroom leaders or aspiring school leaders. All are welcome and will enjoy participating. Securing quality leaders committed to modelling leadership on Christ constitutes one of the key challenges for Catholic and indeed all Christian schools. This course aims to promote a vision that sees the maintenance of a balance between school improvement and Catholic distinctiveness as a feature of the mission of schools and colleges.


Modules include: Catholic education; leadership and management; spiritual and theological foundations; research methods and dissertation.

Assessment method

There is one 5,000 word written assignment for each of the four Modules. Every assignment invites you to reflect on the theory covered and to then evaluate practice in your own school or college. You conclude with recommendations for improved practice (80%). In order to achieve the MA students are required also to complete a 15,000-word dissertation. Students are supported by an intensive Research Methods module (15CSL7029), which has been increased gradually from two to four Saturday schools and equivalencies across all Centres. The programme encompasses input and discussions on the literature review and the fieldwork element of the research project. As you study independently each of the four Modules, guided by tasks within the study guide, you are invited to contribute to online discussion groups. Your contributions are assessed according to frequency, knowledge of material and quality of contributions to the discussions (20%).

Entry requirements

The course is open to all who have a first degree and are committed to Catholic education. Applicants who have relevant experience of working in Catholic schools are also encouraged to apply. Students who have attained an NPQH Qualification are entitled to a 15 credit exemption from two modules, CSL7022 and CSL7024 upon provision of a NPQH certificate. They will be entitled to a 50% reduction in fees for these two modules. Students who hold the NCTL National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership (NPQML) or similar programme are entitled to a 15 credit exemption which applies to the assignment for either module CSL7022 or CSL7024 upon provision of the appropriate certificate. This will also entitle a Student to a 50% reduction in the fee for that module. Students who hold the NCTL National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership (NPQSL) or similar programme are entitled to a 15 credit exemption which applies to the assignment for either module CSL7022 or CSL7024 upon provision of the appropriate certificate. This will also entitle a Student to a 50% reduction in the fee for that module. A full exemption from CSL7021 and CSL7022 is available to Students who have gained 60 credits from the Catholic Leadership Programme offered by the Diocese of Salford. A full exemption from up to two modules is available for Students who have gained a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with 60 credits at M-level.

Fees and funding

Tuition fees

EU £17820 Year 1
England £9240 Year 1
Scotland £9240 Year 1
Wales £9240 Year 1
Northern Ireland £9240 Year 1
International £17820 Year 1

Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .

Additional fee information

No additional fees or cost information has been supplied for this course, please contact the provider directly.
Catholic School Leadership: Principles & Practice at St Mary's University, Twickenham - UCAS