Course summary
Delivered by the Weald & Downland Living Museum and validated by the University of York Specialist Courses for the Building Conservation Experts of the Future Promoting lifelong learning and conservation is at the heart of the Museum’s objectives. We are a leading provider in specialist education and training in building conservation and historic building techniques offering two MSc programmes in Building Conservation and Timber Building Conservation. Our nationally designated collection of historic buildings provides an unrivalled and unique teaching resource. Our lecturers are experts in their fields, giving students the opportunity to learn and benefit directly from their specialist knowledge and experiences. “The Weald & Downland Living Museum provides a unique learning environment attracting students from a wide range of backgrounds. One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is seeing students graduate and go on to forge successful careers in building conservation, some even return as lecturers to pass on their knowledge to successive students. It is this fusion of people, place and skills that inspires and enables our students to develop the expertise needed to protect and conserve our built heritage for future generations.” Over the past 30 years, the conservation of historic buildings has gained great importance in the building and heritage industries both in the UK and overseas, leading to increased demand for specialist conservators and project managers. Established in 1992, our MSc in Building Conservation is suitable for students and mid-career professionals seeking to develop or enhance an academic or professional specialism in the conservation of buildings. Previous students have gone on to become specialist conservation architects, surveyors, engineers, heritage project managers and crafts people. The MSc Building Conservation is fully recognised by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC). Successful completion of the MSc reduces the requirement for relevant experience for those seeking full membership of the IHBC from five years to two years. For further details, see The course covers the following topics:
- An overview of the history and development of heritage structures
- Conservation legislation
- Organising and planning conservation projects
- Conservation of timber buildings
- Lime in conservation
- Conservation of masonry
- Conservation of metals
- Conservation of fixtures and finishes
- Conservation of 20th century building
- Capstone research project – dissertation
The course consists of six taught modules plus one dissertation module taken over a 2-year period. The six taught modules run for 5 days (Wednesday to Sunday), allowing students to balance work and other commitments. Module 7 consists of research, which is presented for examination as a dissertation. Assessment for the six taught modules consists entirely of coursework. The assignments address problems and simulate tasks likely to be encountered in the professional environment. To gain the MSc students must also successfully complete a dissertation of 15,000 words based on their research into an approved topic.
Assessment method
Teaching takes place at the Weald & Downland Living Museum and consists of lectures, seminars and workshops. Learning is further enhanced through site visits and hands-on experience of materials and processes where possible. All taught modules include contributions from leading practitioners in the field and ample time for discussion with these experts. The course leader, and MSc Senior Programme Leader, Kevin Stubbs, is a Historic Building Consultant with over 50 years’ experience working with heritage structures, and has a background in archaeology and education.
Entry requirements
- At least a second class honours degree or an equivalent qualification in architecture, surveying, archaeology, engineering, conservation or a related field; or - A minimum of 2 years’ equivalent professional experience Most importantly, applicants should have a keen interest and enthusiasm for the conservation of historic buildings and heritage structures combined with the self-discipline and determination required to complete a postgraduate programme For those applicants whose first language is not English, evidence of a minimum standard of written and spoken English will be required. Previous students have come from a wide range of backgrounds including architects, building contractors, engineers, planning officers, conservation officers, surveyors, carpenters, masons, archaeologists, specialist conservators and project managers. If you would like to discuss your suitability, please contact us at [email protected]
Fees and funding
Tuition fees
No fee information has been provided for this course
Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .
Additional fee information
Provider information
Weald & Downland Living Museum
Town lane
West Sussex
PO18 0EU