Course summary
For health care professionals from diverse backgrounds who wish to expand their knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects of oncology, this full-time programme is particularly suitable for medical professionals with an interest in clinical, medical, surgical and translational oncology. Unique to this programme is the exciting opportunity to gain clinical observership status and log your hours observing in a UK based hospital. We also offer a part-time version of this programme.
Each taught module comprises 30-60 hours of taught classroom based learning, self directed learning and an assignment. You are expected to spend approximately 60 hours of self-directed study doing preparatory and follow-up reading, and completing coursework for each module. Compulsory Modules: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Cancer; Research Methods and Statistics; Molecular Pathology of Cancer; Cancer Therapy; Surgical Oncology and Perioperative Management. Optional Modules: Advanced Clinical Trials; Haemato-oncology; Paediatric Oncology; Radiation Physics; Radiation Biology; Caring for Cancer Patients; Palliative Care and Cancer Patients.
Assessment method
Modules are assessed either by means of 3,000 word assignment or by preparing and conducting a short presentation on a defined topic related to the module content, or by unseen written examination.
Entry requirements
As this programme is focused around professional practice It is essential that applicants have at least 6 months experience working in an oncology environment. This may include experience in medicine, surgery, pharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry, nursing, radiography, clinical trials, and other related disciplines. Applicants will also need an undergraduate degree in a suitable subject. This could include, but is not restricted to, the following fields: medicine, radiography, pharmacy, or relevant and equivalent experience/professional qualifications. The University accepts Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
Fees and funding
Tuition fees
No fee information has been provided for this course
Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .
Additional fee information
Provider information
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT