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Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies at University of Chester - UCAS

Course summary

Our DProf course recognises the achievements of practitioners in the disciplines of counselling and psychotherapy. The DProf facilitates the generation of original knowledge that comes out of experience and practice and enables a fresh and meaningful contribution to be given to practice-based knowledge and dialogue. There is a vibrant research community at Chester, consisting of both PhD and DProf research students, who meet regularly together, alongside the research staff, to support each other and stimulate new thinking and research ideas. Many of the staff who input on the programme are nationally and internally recognised for their subject contributions.


Please see our website for the most up to date module information

Assessment method

Assessment is by means of essays, publishable articles, and a research proposal. In the research phase, assessment will be by thesis and viva. Part-time students are expected to allocate at least 16 hours per week to their studies.

Entry requirements

2:2 honours degree or above. MA/MSc in a Counselling/Psychotherapy discipline graded at 65% or above for the research dissertation. Please evidence this by providing your final Master’s transcript. Experience or training in a range of research methodologies. Substantive therapeutic practitioner experience (in the field of counselling and psychotherapy) is also required. The nature of the programme draws on the student’s practitioner experience as a source of the content they will work with in their studies, so this is required in order to do this effectively.

Fees and funding

Tuition fees

No fee information has been provided for this course

Tuition fee status depends on a number of criteria and varies according to where in the UK you will study. For further guidance on the criteria for home or overseas tuition fees, please refer to the UKCISA website .

Additional fee information

Please see our website for current fee information
Counselling and Psychotherapy Studies at University of Chester - UCAS